Ingenium Analytics


Ingenium ( is a a Canadian organization representing three museums: the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum, the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, and the Canada Science and Technology Museum. The purpose of this project is to help Ingenium achieve their objective of improving their analytics usage. The project scope included the development of building data analytics capacity and understanding.


  1. A demographic overview dashboard for analytics and ux product teams
  2. An internal stakeholders dashboard for Arger corporate
  3. An assessment of google analytics
  4. 4. Dashboards were created using Google Analytics data on Google Data Studio


I analyzed Google Analytics Data and also created the interactive Dashboard including Demographic and Reach part in the report. I collaborated with teammates to identify key findings and recommendations. Designed and Decorated the reports to make the report more profession.

1. Google Analytics naturally is not the most trustworthy source for age and gender data.
2. Given the short time frame of the project which was not in-house, the project team had limited perspective and knowledge into Ingenium’s operations.


For Reach:
– number of users by user type
– number of page views,
– average session duration
– % new sessions
– overtime views of users and pageviews
– traffic source
– page impression

– total number of events and unique events
– total events by month of year
– total events by user type. – event on page overview
– engagement metrics (downloads and product views)

– bounce rate – pages per session
– unique page views. – average session duration
– total users – average time on page
– user page interaction for duration
– unique page views. – bounce rate
– user page interaction for website exits(exit page, page views, number of exits, and % exit)

– total number of campaigns
– looking at reach and engagement metrics per campaign and campaign users


Figure 1-All website dashboard (See more detail in Report)


All Website Over View
Overall 365,020 users are primarily 361,432 new users and the main language for them is English including English- US. 54.1% users are mostly between 25 years old and 34 years old, male, and 63.1K from Montreal and 51.6K from Ottawa Canada. 6.9K returning users and 184KK new users arrived to the sites through organic search. 49.9% users visit all websites through Google and 35.5% users directly enter the website URL to visit the sites. Mobile visitors represent 65.1% of users with desktop following at 31.5%.

NGENIUMCANADA.ORG is the key website the research would focus on. From the Ingenium Canada website, there are 157,776 new users to visit the website and only 4,455 users are returning users. The main language for 138.7K is in English including English- US and English-Ca. 50.8% users are between 25 years old and 34 years old, female, from Montreal and Boardman Canada. 5.1K returning users and 31.4 K new users arrived to the sites through organic search. Desktop visitors represent 82% of users with mobile following at 16.2%.

between English and French
Geography: Montreal owes the main users of both the Ingenium organization English website and French website.
– English site, the second Ottawa has 52.8K new users in 48.5K visitors and Boardman has 42K new visitors.
– French site, except Montreal, Gatineau has 3.6K new users and Ottawa has 2.5 K new users.

Technology: Most of the utilities that users visit Ingenium English Site and French Site are desktop.
– English websites, more 67% users prefer to use a desktop to browse French sites.

User Experience and Behavior: Users in English and the users in French have similar user behavior that they visited 2 pages per session.
But the bounce rate and the highest pages they viewed both sites have differential data in the report.
– English users, they were primarily interested in news pages that related content as well as the homepage including science and technology museum, agriculture and food museum, and Space museum.
– French users are more interested in the all different topic homepages to find the information they want.


  1. Follow user patterns and user behavior over time to identify opportunities for marketing strategy, and use high engagement content to outreach diverse users and decrease the bounce rate.

2. Frequently to update the new content and page information

IngeniumCanada’s Reach that shows how many different people visit a Web site and also what percentage of these people fall into the audience to which a referral is targeted.

FINDINGS 1 – User Type

Ingenium has over 90% new visitors. On the contrary, the returning users are a small proportion which is 8.9%. This is an interesting dynamic in regards to users types, especially returning users.

FINDING 2 – Internal Search Box

Overall, using a search box to do internal search is only 1% interaction. Returning users are the key group to use internal search but the usability has fluctuated relatively widely.
The top unique searches are about Camp and vickers sthubert, users still spend a lot of time interacting with the website after searching.

FINDING 3 – User Reach Behavior

Newsroom in the Ingenium website is the most interactive page that 21.8% users began their interaction with this page and the content could be directly to guide them on the right page they find. The bounce rate is also pretty high. It assumes that users could not find the information they want because the updating of this page was not frequently since the website updated (

Create initiatives that bring people back to the website
The best way to keep visitors interacting on the website is to offer them content that interests them. This content and activities could be based on users age, and the content they are seeking.

Optimizing Ingenium official social media platforms
We recommend leveraging the power of social media for Ingenium to post more attractive information and increase the institution’s awareness.

Maintaining and posting institution news frequently for users to be able to gain more information
Truly engaging newsrooms include those that are interesting and 360 degree interactive topics and activities in the museum which should be pushed as this is an exciting movement that entices followers and promotes engagement.

This student project was not without major challenges and huge learning opportunities. Google Analytics can tell a lot about user’s demographic, user behavior, how to interact with the website and how users the engaging with different sources. In this study, our research team used a combination of methods and tools to analyze the performance of all the Ingenium websites including English site and French site. These mounts of data collection allowed us to make a deep analysis.
After arrange the key demographic metrics, it became clearer to manage and analyze data to approach the our goals. Google Data Studio was the second major thing we need to learn, especially for the teamworks. Setting for 4 main sections for the data research was made much simpler by using Google Data Studio. Each sections would have it own metrics and observation rule to seek different data with clear charts. Also, for different websites, being able to simply switch the segment filter saved time and energy and allowed the desired data to be visualized consistently across every segment.
Despite some limitations of the tools. Google Analytics and Google Data Studio allow for a useful evaluation and data visualization that can easily be organized. Further main performance metrics monitoring will help to evaluate recommendation effectives and determine focus for more research.