Author name: Marc Molta

Leveraging Analytics to Increase Reach and Engagement for Braata Productions

Introduction Braata Productions is a not-for-profit organization that provides a platform for Caribbean and Caribbean-American artists to express themselves through folk art, theater, music, education and community events. Organizational Goals Braata expressed a desire to improve their web presence in order to: Process In collaboration with Andrew Clarke, Executive Director of Braata, I spent three […]

Leveraging Analytics to Increase Reach and Engagement for Braata Productions Read More »

Redesigning Transportation Alternatives Information Architecture and Increasing User Engagement and Usability

Transportation Alternatives (TA) is a non-profit organization based in New York City that works to change and improve NYC’s transportation priorities by encouraging and increasing non-polluting, quiet, city-friendly travel and decreasing automobile usage. The website serves as both an informational hub about the organization, as well as a means for supporting and donating to TA. 

Redesigning Transportation Alternatives Information Architecture and Increasing User Engagement and Usability Read More »

reddit banner

Design Critique: Reddit

banner image credit: Reddit is a social media and news aggregator website. Users can join and create communities called “subreddits” that focus on topics, cultures, geographies, fandom or any other area of interest. Engagement takes the form of liking and disliking (“upvoting” and “downvoting”) as well as commenting on, sharing and creating posts. “Subreddits”

Design Critique: Reddit Read More »