Author name: Chris Jacobs

Connecting seniors to vital resources through the Bay Ridge Center website

The Bay Ridge Center, a non-profit community organization providing support for older residents of southeast Brooklyn, wanted to test the usability of its newly-redesigned website, with a particular focus on its user-friendliness for seniors. After conducting a series of moderated remote user tests with a sample of older participants, we determined that while the website covers an impressive amount of information on a range of services, there were some findability issues that impacted accessibility.

Connecting seniors to vital resources through the Bay Ridge Center website Read More »

Design Critique: Medito Meditation App (Android App)

Medito is a simple and free-to-use meditation app available on iOS and Android. It was developed by the Medito Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving mental wellbeing through the cultivation of mindfulness and meditative practices. The app includes features such as audio for guided meditation sessions, a meditation timer, and content for improving sleep.

Design Critique: Medito Meditation App (Android App) Read More »