Author name: Kai-Ying Chang

Interview with a UX Designer about Gaining a UX Job

  I interviewed a user experience designer, who currently works at VMware Inc. in Palo Alto, California. VMware is a worldwide company, providing various products and services for clients, like workspace management, server software, cloud management, etc. She has worked as a user experience designer for designing admin software for four years. For this interview, I

Interview with a UX Designer about Gaining a UX Job Read More »

Is Accessibility not equal to Usability?

There are ranges of evaluation methods that assist developers or designers to create usable and pleasant electronic products, services, or environments for the target audience, including older and disabled people. However, to build a product, service or environment for older and disabled people, the criteria of evaluation may be different because they may have specific

Is Accessibility not equal to Usability? Read More »