Author name: Sanchit Kumar

Image showing Wireframing

My Experience with Balsamiq Mockups – A Rapid Wireframing Tool

Introduction “Fail early, fail often”, a quote extremely relevant to the field of User Experience due to the fact that following such a modus operandi is essential for making swift iterative improvements to products. Mockups and wireframes are great tools that assist in rapid-prototyping, due to their lower level of detail and simpler construction. While […]

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The UX of the Smart Car

Remember the television show of the 80s called Knight Rider? If yes, I’m sure you are picturing the uber-cool black colored Pontiac Firebird with the blinking red lights. The show was a hit, mostly thanks to the futuristic feature-packed beast of a car that assisted its undercover-cop owner in solving crimes. The car could self-drive,

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