Author name: Shadiya Fairoose

Assistive Technology: Liftware Steady

Liftware Steady is an electronic stabilizing handle with a selection of attachments that include a soup spoon, everyday spoon, fork, and spork. Liftware Steady is designed to help people suffering from hand tremors, which may be related to Parkinson’s disease or essential tremor, eat more easily. The stabilizing handle contains sensors that detect hand motion and a small onboard computer that distinguishes unwanted tremor from the intended movement of the hand. To stabilize the utensil, the computer directs two motors in the handle to move the utensil attachment in the opposite direction of any detected tremor.

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Evaluation Story – Braata Productions

Client Braata Productions was founded in 2009 to promote Caribbean folk culture, music movement, stories, artists, and theatre within New York City. Braata Productions’ projects and programs have served over 350 artists, directors, designers, and technicians who benefited from projects such as The Braata Folk Singers, “Project BE,” Braata Theatre Workshop, and The Braata Award.

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