Author name: Zhuolan Zhang

Evaluation Story: Urban Outreach Center(UOC)

Project Summary Our team, 5 graduate students at Pratt, conducted 10 remote moderated user tests to help improve Urban Outreach Center (UOC) website experience and usability. Duration March-May Team: Zhuolan Zhang – MS Information Experience Design, Pratt Institute Orville Mo-He – MS Information Experience Design, Pratt Institute Monica Hersher – MS Data Visualization Design, Pratt […]

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Design Critique: Bilibili (Website)

Bilibili is an original video plus animation platform(it includes app and website) with its identical feature called bullet comments(flying comment on the screen sent by the viewers), forming community culture and topics as the viewer interacts with the platform. It contains a wide variety of videos and categorizes as many sections, such as education, living, finance, etc.

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