Expert Voices

Who are the people responsible for creating compelling and engaging information experiences? What do they think about current and emerging trends in the field? Posts in this category offer thoughts, opinions, and perspectives of seasoned information architects, usability researchers, interaction designers, content strategists, and other UX professionals.

Innovative Interactions: Vickie Culbertson @ Fuzz

I was connected to Vickie Culbertson, UX Designer at Fuzz Productions, through another friend who was recently hired at Fuzz after completing General Assembly’s User Experience Design Immersive. Vickie describes herself as “A Baltimore native living and working in New York City. I love seeing live music and going to art exhibits. You can also […]

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Education, Persuasion, and Impact: An Interview with Beyang Shi

I interviewed Beyang Shi, who is a User Experience and Interaction Designer, having worked in-house with education startups, as well as a freelancer. I was intrigued by her background as a teacher, often working across language barriers, and what light that unique perspective can shed on what makes something truly usable.

Education, Persuasion, and Impact: An Interview with Beyang Shi Read More »

Designing for Happiness: An Interview with Pamela Pavliscak

I spoke with Pamela Pavliscak, UX researcher, data scientist, and founder at Change Sciences. I was interested in how Pamela’s background in Information Science influences her work today. Pamela also spoke about Positive Design, the challenges she faced and still faces with Change Sciences, the future of the field, and what she reads to stay

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A Discussion with the Usability Research Team at Wiley

I met with Vikki and Akiko, usability researchers at Wiley Publishing, to talk about usability and its role at Wiley. Wiley is an educational content and software development company (although the word “publishing” is still part of the company name, Wiley is really much more technology-driven than this word implies). As usability researchers, Vikki and

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