
What are IXD@Pratt students up to? Posts in this category showcase the great work our students do and highlight the many different tools, methods, and techniques students learn at Pratt.

Redesigning Pratt Institute’s Homepage and Academics Page

— PROJECT SUMMARY About the organization: Pratt Institute is a higher education university in New York City with a mission to transform academic excellence in architecture, art, design, information studies, and liberal arts and sciences through its defining heritage and visionary future. Team: Olaide, Xin and Pallavi My Role: UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Project Manager […]

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Evaluation Story: Friends of Materials for the Arts – Website

Introduction MFTA raises funds to support educational programs, outreach opportunities and infrastructure improvements for Materials for the Arts. This public-private partnership brings both organizations together for the betterment of NYC. The main audience that MFTA hopes to reach are educators, students, and enthusiasts in the arts and environment fields.  We were four moderators – Yolanda

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Design Story: NYC311

For our group project in Information Architecture and Interaction Design, Chris Orellana, Yilan Ye, and I chose to focus on a hypothetical redesign of NYC311, a government website which provides NYC residents with city services and information (actual site: During the semester, we went through a thorough design process, from user research to wireframes

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School of Visual Arts(SVA) Library Website – Evaluation Story

A team of four researchers from Pratt Institute carried out approximately 7 week long project of user testing for SVA library website in order to enhance th e usability and overall user experience of the website. The project was under the charge of Prof. Elena Villaespesa and for the course Usability Theory & Practice.

School of Visual Arts(SVA) Library Website – Evaluation Story Read More »

Evaluation Story: Testing Engagement for the Innocence Project

In fall 2019, as part of our final project for Usability Theory and Practice, I and three others carried out user testing for the Innocence Project, a nonprofit which seeks to free wrongly convicted criminals through DNA testing and advance criminal justice reform. Our evaluation used in-person user testing, resulting in a detailed report and

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