A flightpath drawn over a hazy landscape implies travel enabled by the kayak app.

Design Critique: Kayak (Android App)

The Kayak Android mobile app provides an easy way to find flights, hotel stays, and rental car services. Kayak excels at creating a clear conceptual model of how to set up and run a search, but not of the entire scope of the app’s features. A streamlined interface may also be a trade-off for invitations to human error. It is interesting to note that Kayak was one of the earliest exemplars of creating more usable graphical interfaces for travel booking, but now may be extending its feature list too far.

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Design Critique: NYCourts.gov

For any juror summoned to serve in New York State, the NY Court website is the main artery through which one can uncover information about serving on a jury (or find any other court-related information.) This includes critical updates about whether or not one is called to serve on their expected summons date, or whether they are dismissed from being summoned.

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Assistive Technology: tactile

Tactile is a hardware product that converts any text into Braille. The braille reader has a refreshable braille display, scanning system, and OCR. With Tactile, a user can scan any printed document, such as mail, menu, or flyers, and immediately get the information back in Braille. Additionally, there is a companion app where documents can

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Assistive Technology: Birdsong in Japanese Train Stations

Introduction: While waiting for your train to arrive in Japan, you may notice bird chirping across the station. This birdsong is meant to be an audio guide to point the visually impaired towards the ticket gates and exits. Depending on the direction of the escalators, a different type of birdsong is being played – one

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