Design Critique: Adobe Acrobat (Desktop software [Windows/ Mac])

Adobe Acrobat is an application software available in both Windows and macOS for people to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in pdf. This article would critique the usability issues when saving and retrieving a starred file in Adobe Acrobat based on the framework mentioned in Don Norman’s The Design of Everyday Things. 1) […]

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Design Critique: MTA LIRR TRAINTIME (iOS app)

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is North America’s largest transportation network, serving a population of 15.3 million people in the 5,000-square-mile area fanning out from New York City through Long Island, southeastern New York State, and Connecticut. In 2020, MTA updated their Train Time App of both LIRR(Long Island Railroad)  and MNR(Metro-North Railroad) to improve their

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Image of The New York Times Crossword App

Design Critique: The New York Times Crossword Puzzle (iPhone app)

The New York Times Crossword app is available on iOS and Android and provides daily crossword puzzles that vary in size. The options are the mini and daily crosswords, the mini can be completed quickly while the daily is much larger and (in my opinion) more difficult. The critique will be focused on the mini,

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Design Critique: Slack (OSX Desktop App)

Slack unifies all the services needed for a team to communicate efficiently and effectively. It supports tools such as one-on-one direct messaging, calling, and topic-based group conversations, while making it easy to incorporate other administrative apps and share files in all communications. Getting Started When a user logs into a new workspace, they are greeted

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