cartoon image of two designers labeled G and S

The Yin to your Yang: Gen-Synth Pair Design

Creating good design solutions for a complex problem can be difficult for any designer alone. But today, designers are used to working collaboratively in large groups. Some designers work in bigger cross-functional groups for purposes like brainstorming, user research and design critiques while others work in smaller ones for purposes like wireframing, prototyping and front-end

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Contextual Inquiry – Understanding your users in their environment

Contextual inquiry is a semi-structured field interview method conducted to obtain information about the context of use of any service or product. The participants are interviewed one at a time in their natural environment, while they perform their daily tasks to show how they use the product or service. As the users are interviewed in

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Blurry-eye Test

While people using chunking strategy based on “context” to percept information, reading not-interested content can be painful for a user. For those who have a visual deficiency and for those who have a reading disorder or language barrier, it would be quite challenging to understand how to interact with a site if the navigation and

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