User Journey Mapping: Walking in your User’s Shoes

Journey-driven transformation is a powerful, end-to-end approach for creating exceptional “customer experiences” that drive revenue, profitability, and sustainable competitive advantage. As said by Ann Lewnes, EVP and CMO of Adobe: The term ‘customer experience’ won’t exist in the organization of the future. It will be so deeply entrenched in a company’s product, process, and culture that

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Expert Voices: Why and how design decisions should be informed by research and data

I had the opportunity to listen to a talk on “You are not the user- Why and how design decisions should be informed by research and data” by Christina Ou, who is a product designer at Percolate.  The talk was given as part of an event called HexHacks, which was a UXathon run by Hexagon.

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Spreading the Gospel of UX Design in an Agile World

Most people in software development are familiar with the Agile methodology – a system that emphasizes quick iteration and reactive planning. The last few years have seen a rise in Agile adoption, and therefore a rise in quickly developed, functional technology. However, many implementers of this technique don’t take into account UX research and design,

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the Rainbow Sheet – A Collaborative Tool to Quickly Generate Insights from User Testing

I came across this usability research tool the Rainbow Sheet in a case study. I took some time to research on this tool and found it to be a very concise and quick tool for generating insights from the user testing and a visually pleasing way to deliver the findings. The Rainbow sheet consists of

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Does It Make You Happy: Measuring User Experience

User Experience is a concept that has not been lucidly depicted anywhere over the cyber space. In commerce, user experience is a person’s emotions and attitudes about using a particular product, system or service. Do you want your website, application or product to be super successful? How can you measure user experience? Why do you need to measure user experience?

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Measuring User Experience with the Goals-Signals-Metrics Process

When measuring user experience, how can we decide which specific metrics to implement and track to make data-informed decisions? The Goal-Signal-Metrics Process is a powerful tool to map product/feature goals to specific metrics, allowing the product team to focus only on the most useful metrics relates to the product/feature.

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UX KPIs and PULSE Metrics

UX KPIs UX KPIs means key performance indicators of user experience, which helps to reflect the overall goal of a product or a website. With UX KPIs, user experience becomes tangible and measurable. UX KPIs are divided into two main categories, which are behavioral UX KPIs and Attitudinal UX KPIs.  Behavioural UX KPIs measure what

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