
What are IXD@Pratt students up to? Posts in this category showcase the great work our students do and highlight the many different tools, methods, and techniques students learn at Pratt.

Design Story: FUBU (For Users, By Users)

About the Project This project was done in Pratt Institute’s Information Architecture and Interaction Design taught by Craig MacDonald. For this project, my group and I were given the task of redesigning the information architecture for Sesame Workshop ( that would make the site’s interface much more user friendly, increasing its usability through improvements of

Design Story: FUBU (For Users, By Users) Read More »

Queens Historical Society: A Case Study

For over fifty years, the Queens Historical Society (QHS) has been actively celebrating and preserving the heritage and history of Queens, New York through educational programs, exhibitions, and its public repository of archival collections and sources.  The QHS website is a key vehicle for communicating their mission to the widest audience possible, yet their message

Queens Historical Society: A Case Study Read More »

An Adventure from Concept to Prototype for the Intrepid Air and Space Museum by Brian Engel

Our Client: Before   Our task was to redesign the website for the Intrepid Air and Space Museum.  We were told they were looking to appeal to New Yorkers and make their website more mobile-friendly, but we soon found they have many more problems.   The Card Sort and Tree Test   With our goal

An Adventure from Concept to Prototype for the Intrepid Air and Space Museum by Brian Engel Read More »

Design Story: QHS Redesign Project

QUEENS HISTORICAL SOCIETY SITE REDESIGN ABOUT THE PROJECT MAJR Queens was contracted to complete a user-centered redesign of the Queens Historical Society (QHS) website emphasizing an improved user experience and responsive, multi-platform design.  The  4-month project generated several deliverables which supported efforts to understand users, structure content and design the final  prototypes. –Jo Polanco, UX

Design Story: QHS Redesign Project Read More »

A Redesign Proposal for the Voorheesville Public Library Website

In order to propose a redesign for the Voorheesville Public Library’s website, we conducted a user-centered review, test, and analysis of the information architecture and interactive design of the site. It appeared to be clogged with duplicated content in an overly complex structure, and was not adapted for mobile. Our goals were to conduct research

A Redesign Proposal for the Voorheesville Public Library Website Read More »